Groundhog Day: Iowans Gathered At Rep. Zach Nunn’s Office Seeking Forecast Of Future Votes

Forecast: Iowans will keep urging Nunn to stand up for their interests

Des Moines, Iowa -- Today, as the nation awaited a groundhog's weather prediction, Fairness for Iowa posed a different question: Will Representative Zach Nunn end his streak of voting to cut funding for programs and benefits that Iowa families and seniors rely on, or will Iowans be left shivering in the cold of harsh votes that threaten access to Social Security, Medicare, and family farm loans?

Fairness for Iowa, along with Iowa Citizen Action Network, Lower Drug Prices Now Iowa, Iowa Main Streets & Country Roads, the Iowa Federation of Labor AFL-CIO, Iowa Alliance for Retired Americans, and Progress Iowa, gathered outside Nunn's office in downtown Des Moines to share their stories and concerns, shedding light on how Nunn voted for damaging cuts to small business assistance, access to Social Security benefits, and health care services for rural and underserved families. As Congress heads toward two new government funding deadlines in March and must pass several appropriations bills to avoid a shutdown, Iowans are speaking out and urging Nunn to vote against harmful cuts to programs that their families rely on. 

“My mother and husband are on Social Security,” said Brenda Curran of Ottumwa, Iowa. “I have a friend who recently wanted to retire, and she had to go back to work because she realized her Social Security was not enough. Any cuts in addition to the limited amount of Social Security people get are unacceptable. It’s a safety net, so it is concerning to me whenever politicians consider cuts to programs we have worked hard as taxpayers to fund.”

“I’m here because I’m concerned about how Zach Nunn votes,” said Kim Hagemann of Polk City, Iowa. “Instead of making the wealthiest people and corporations pay, Nunn agreed to pass current tax relief for American families and workers only if it contained tax cuts for big corporations.”

"For over a year now, Iowans have been calling for Zach Nunn to start representing their interests instead of voting against them. The groundhog may predict the coming weather, but we gathered here today to influence Nunn’s choices, by showing him we will not stop holding him accountable for his votes that would hurt Iowans," said Matt Sinovic, Executive Director of Progress Iowa.



REPORT: Zach Nunn’s First Year in Congress Fails Iowans