Rep. Zach Nunn named ‘Turkey of the Year’ for ‘fowl’ voting record, running from constituents

Congressman Zach Nunn was given a dubious honor today, as he was named ‘Turkey of the Year’ by the Fairness for Iowa coalition.

“Zach Nunn’s ‘fowl’ record is stuffed with votes that would cut access to programs that Iowans rely on, like Medicare, Social Security, and even health care for veterans,” said Matt Sinovic, executive director of Progress Iowa and Fairness for Iowa coalition member. “Nunn has spent his time in office running from his constituents faster than most run for pumpkin pie – while he stayed in DC and voted to slash funding for services that hundreds of thousands of Iowans rely on.”

This year, Fairness for Iowa has organized Iowans across the district to contact Congressman Nunn. As part of this effort his constituents have called, emailed, visited his offices, met with his staff, and been interviewed by news media. Iowans have been disappointed in Nunn’s record in office and will continue to speak out, advocating for easier access to programs like Medicare and health care for veterans.  

The recipe for Rep. Nunn earning this year’s ‘Turkey of the Year’ includes:

  • Nunn is a threat to Social Security and Medicare.

    • Nunn introduced legislation that would lead to massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare

    • Nunn voted to make it harder for seniors to access the Social Security and Medicare benefits they earned

    • Nunn is part of a group in Congress that wants to cut Social Security and Medicare

  • Nunn voted to give billions in tax breaks to big corporations and is pushing huge tax breaks for the rich.

    • Nunn voted for H.R. 1, which included $6 billion in tax breaks for corporations

    • Nunn cosponsored the TCJA Permanency Act, which would disproportionately help the rich” giving nearly $50 billion in tax breaks to the richest 1%

  • Nunn said he would fight for veterans in congress, but he voted to cut veterans’ health care and then signed a letter falsely claiming he did not.

    • Nunn stated “I will always support America’s veterans” and that in Congress he was “working to prioritize access to veteran health benefits, better resources for mental health, and assistance to help military families.”

    • Nunn voted for the “Default on America” Act, which would cut funding for veterans’ benefits and threaten access to care for more than 75,000 Iowa veterans

    • Nunn signed a letter claiming that the “Default on America” Act did not cut veterans’ benefits, a claim PolitiFact rated as “mostly false”

  • Nunn voted to make massive cuts to things Iowans depend on, which would raise costs on necessities such as food, health care, rent, and utilities.

    • Nunn voted for the “Default on America” Act, which would:  

      • Take away food assistance from older adults and would lead to higher food costs

      • Cut access to farm operating loans, which could lead to thousands of family farms being unable to continue operating and job losses within the farming industry and related sectors

  • In less than a year in office, Rep. Nunn has already failed to make himself available to his constituents and give us an opportunity to voice our concerns. 

    • Nunn is neglecting to meet the needs of the people he was elected to serve. 

    • Nunn needs to listen to his constituents and vote based on their best interests, rather than pushing tax cuts for billionaires. 

Congressman Nunn still has a chance to do what’s right and vote NO on extreme funding cuts.


Zach Nunn’s Fiscal Commission Could Cost Iowans’ Their Social Security and Medicare


With Shutdown Avoided for Now, Rep. Zach Nunn Should Vote Against Cuts to Critical Services that Raise Costs For Iowans