Trump Administration cuts federal grants and assistance that Iowans depend on

On Monday, President Trump ordered cuts to important programs that hundreds of thousands of Iowans rely on.

Federal grants fund a vast number of crucial programs that are in our communities and support  our friends and neighbors. Upending these programs would impact housing assistance for veterans, food for the hungry, education funding, and domestic violence survivors - to name a few. Hundreds of thousands of Iowa families could be impacted by these cuts, and some areas include: 

Progress Iowa Executive Director Matt Sinovic said that these cuts are a clear betrayal of hardworking Iowa families.

“President Trump has made a clear choice to go after working families and community grants so he and congressional Republicans can give more tax breaks to billionaires and corporations,” Sinovic said. “These cuts could be devastating for thousands of Iowa families. Taking away programs that so many vulnerable people depend on is unheard of. It’s especially unconscionable that the current administration is trying to rip taxpayer dollars away from the most vulnerable in the country as it’s planning to stuff hundreds of billions more dollars into the pockets of the ultra-rich through tax cuts.

“Representatives Nunn and Miller-Meeks should have no problem standing up for their constituents and demanding Trump stop his shortsighted attacks on our communities. Protecting Meals on Wheels,WIC, Head Start and the many other programs federal grants support should be easy.” 


Fairness for Iowa calls on Reps. Nunn and Miller-Meeks to oppose budget cuts targeting working Iowans


President Trump and Republicans in Congress threaten to use disaster aid as a political bargaining chip to pass tax breaks for the ultra-rich