Congressman Zach Nunn and GOP Colleagues on House Agriculture Committee Should Oppose Cuts to Vital Nutritional Assistance in the Farm Bill

 The House Agriculture Committee will meet later today (5/23/24) to consider Republicans’ recently released Farm Bill proposal. The delivered draft from Republican Chair G.T. Thompson would limit future updates to the Thrifty Food Plan, cutting Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the crucial nutritional aid program that assists Iowans .

The committee markup today presents an opportunity for Congressman Zach Nunn to reverse course on his previous votes that would have cut food assistance programs for families in his district. Zach Nunn and House Republicans have previously voted to cut funding for WIC, in both the Default on America Act (H.R. 2811) and a September 2023 continuing resolution(H.R. 5525). Nunn also voted to put SNAP benefits at risk for Iowans by supporting harsh work requirements in the Default on America Act (H.R. 2811). Now, thousands of his constituents depend on him to protect future funding for SNAP benefits.

“At a time where high costs of living, including the price of healthy foods, continue to burden consumers of all backgrounds, our members of Congress shouldn’t make the path to securing food harder than it already is,” said Matt Sinovic, Executive Director of Progress Iowa. “But, luckily, Congressman Zach Nunn has an opportunity to support his constituents and all working families across the state who depend on SNAP by opposing any threats to the program in today’s committee markup.” 

By limiting future changes to the Thrifty Food Plan, Republicans on the House Agriculture Committee would be reversing course on vital improvements made to SNAP and preventing benefits from keeping up with food costs. In 2022 alone, SNAP funding in Iowa increased by $116 million dollars after the Thrifty Food Plan was reevaluated, giving families the opportunity to make ends meet without sacrificing their health. 


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