IA-03 Constituents Deliver May Day Messages Demanding that Congressman Zach Nunn Put People Over Corporations

DES MOINES – In a powerful display of unity and determination, concerned community leaders and constituents from across the 3rd Congressional District delivered baskets full of messages demanding that Congressman Zach Nunn put people over corporations to his offices in Des Moines and Ottumwa. 

The messages delivered with the baskets highlighted Congressman Nunn’s troubling prioritization of corporate interests, including voting to give tax handouts to corporations. Moreover, constituents expressed frustration at the absence of public town hall meetings, depriving them of a vital platform to voice their concerns about tax handouts for corporations and the ultra-rich directly to their elected representative.

Despite nearly 500 days in office, Congressman Nunn has failed to engage meaningfully with his constituents through such forums while taking harmful votes to cut funding for programs that Iowans rely on and give tax handouts to big corporations. This lack of engagement not only silences voices but also hampers the ability of the community to advocate for their needs effectively.

“Today’s actions show the commitment of the 3rd Congressional District as we call for transparency from our representative,” said Sue Dinsdale, Executive Director of Iowa Citizen Action Network. “We are all tired of not having access to our Congressman as he legislates—supporting tax breaks for huge corporations and millionaires—without prioritizing the rest of us. We demand Congressman Nunn make himself available to the public, hear our concerns, and course correct to better serve the hardworking folks of the 3rd Congressional District.”

“I made it a point to show up today to demand some accountability from my Congressman,” said Michael Gass, a retired correctional officer and Army veteran from Des Moines. “I studied up on some of his previous votes, but often he seemed to choose working for corporate interests instead of working families. He keeps supporting tax breaks for those at the top and plans that would put the burden on the backs of families and seniors by threatening programs like Medicare and Social Security. Congressman Nunn needs to support the right to organize and join a union without interference, and be able to belong to a union without being disparaged. Congressman Nunn must do better for Iowans, not continually support corporate interests!”

The coordinated efforts witnessed today symbolize the collective determination of constituents to ensure their voices are not just heard but represented in Congress. It's a demand for transparency, accountability, and representation that genuinely reflects the needs and aspirations of the people Congressman Nunn serves. 



Mobile Billboards in CD 3 Call Attention to Congressman Nunn’s Vote for High Credit Card Late Fees


TheZachTax.com: Iowans Draw Attention to Congressman Zach Nunn’s Tax Priorities with New Website