Iowans Draw Attention to Congressman Zach Nunn’s Tax Priorities with New Website

Fairness for Iowa, a grassroots coalition focused on holding Congressman Zach Nunn accountable for his actions in Congress, has launched a new website, On the website, Zach Nunn’s constituents in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District have the opportunity to learn of Nunn’s support for billions of dollars in tax giveaways to large corporations and the ultra-wealthy. highlights the Congressman’s record on taxes, showing his multiple votes to give billions in tax breaks to big corporations. The website also shows his votes to slash funding from the IRS that the agency uses to crack down on wealthy tax cheats who don’t pay the taxes they owe. Additionally, the site also cites Nunn’s opposition to a law that makes the largest corporations pay a 15% minimum tax. 

On Tax Day, Iowans joined together across the district to call attention to Congressman Nunn’s record of voting for policies that favor the ultra-wealthy and corporate giants and to deliver petitions urging him to prioritize making those at the top pay their fair share. Nunn's votes for bills like H.R. 1 and H.R. 2811 highlight his support for tax breaks for corporations. Additionally, Nunn co-sponsored legislation to extend many expiring provisions of the 2017 GOP Tax Scam, which would disproportionately benefit the wealthiest Americans. Extending the 2017 Tax Scam would widen the economic divide by cutting taxes for the richest 1% of Americans by over $44 billion in total in 2026 and giving the richest 1% of Iowans an average tax cut of $27,990 in 2026 alone. 

Constituents of the 3rd Congressional District have a demand for Congressman Nunn: stop supporting tax handouts for corporations and the ultra-wealthy, and instead advocate for a fair tax system that benefits working-class Iowans.


IA-03 Constituents Deliver May Day Messages Demanding that Congressman Zach Nunn Put People Over Corporations


Iowa Advocates Across CD-3 Demand Congressman Nunn Prioritize Working Families Over Corporate Tax Handouts