Iowa Advocates Across CD-3 Demand Congressman Nunn Prioritize Working Families Over Corporate Tax Handouts

On Monday, April 15, concerned community leaders and constituents of the 3rd Congressional District convened at Congressman Zach Nunn's offices in Creston, Des Moines, and Ottumwa. Their mission: to demand that Congressman Nunn stop supporting tax handouts for corporations and the ultra-wealthy, and instead advocate for a tax system that benefits working-class Iowans.

This Tax Day marked a significant moment as constituents stood united to hold Congressman Nunn accountable for his support of policies favoring the ultra-wealthy and corporate giants. Nunn's votes for bills like H.R. 1 and H.R. 2811 (“Default on America” Act) highlight his support for tax breaks for corporations. Additionally, Nunn co-sponsored legislation to extend many expiring provisions of the 2017 GOP Tax Scam, which would disproportionately benefit the wealthiest Americans. The TCJA, an extension of the 2017 Tax Scam, would widen the economic divide by cutting taxes on Americans making over $1 million in income by nearly $50,000 on average, cutting taxes for the richest 1% of Americans by over $44 billion in total in 2026, and giving the richest 1% of Iowans an average tax cut of $27,990 in 2026 alone. 

“Iowans are tired of Congressman Nunn using his power to support the wealthiest Americans while his hard-working constituents are struggling to make ends meet,” said Matt Sinovic, Executive Director of Progress Iowa. “Nunn is even a member of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), which recently unveiled a budget that would give even more tax handouts to corporations and the wealthy while making massive cuts to programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid that hardworking Iowans rely on. Congressman Nunn must prioritize a fair tax system where everyone pays their fair share.”

If the RSC budget were enacted, the following changes would occur:

  • Stripping away funding for the IRS under the Inflation Reduction Act that ensures affluent individuals and corporate entities pay the taxes they owe.

  • Repealing the Inflation Reduction Act’s corporate minimum tax provision, which makes sure major corporations pay a minimum of 15% in federal taxes.

  • Making the individual tax provisions from the 2017 GOP tax scam permanent, disproportionately benefiting the ultra-wealthy.

"On tax day, hardworking Iowans have filed their taxes, fulfilling a basic responsibility that we all share so we can have roads, bridges, fire and police departments, trash removal, public schools, community health centers, and so many other services," said Sue Dinsdale, Executive Director of Iowa Citizen Action Network. "Iowans used their voice today, calling on Congressman Nunn to focus on making the wealthiest pay their fair share in taxes, to support working and middle-class families, and to stop supporting legislation that would create harmful cuts to the programs we all rely on. Big corporations and the wealthiest Americans have all the support they need. We need our Congressman to do his job and look out for us instead, the hardworking Iowans he's supposed to represent."

Iowans delivered petition signatures at Congressman Nunn’s offices in Des Moines, Ottumwa, and Creston on Monday calling for Nunn to prioritize tax fairness instead of corporate handouts


Previous Iowans Draw Attention to Congressman Zach Nunn’s Tax Priorities with New Website


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