Following SOTU, Congressman Zach Nunn Must Support Policies that Lower Costs for Working Iowans

Des Moines, Iowa – Last night, President Biden delivered his State of the Union address, highlighting his administration's policies, their impacts, and ongoing efforts to advance the economic well being of all hard working Americans. On the heels of the address, Congressman Zach Nunn has the opportunity to support the president’s proposals—including expanding the Inflation Reduction Act to cap insulin costs at $35 for everyone, allowing Medicare to negotiate the prices of even more drugs, and making the ultra-wealthy and corporations pay their fair share in taxes to invest in critical programs— that lower costs for his constituents in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District. 

“Last night, President Biden talked about his plan to expand the Inflation Reduction Act,” said Parker Williamson, a constituent of the 3rd Congressional District who attended last night's watch party. “Hearing how he wants to lower prescription drug costs gives me more hope about not having to balance medical needs with buying enough groceries. We need Congressman Nunn to support these policies that support the Iowans he serves.”

The president expanded upon how having a fairer tax code and making corporations pay their fair share would benefit middle and working class Americans: “And now it’s my goal to cut the federal deficit $3 trillion more by making big corporations and the very wealthy finally pay their fair share. [...] A fair tax code is how we invest in the things that make a country great – health care, education, defense, and more.” 

“Last night, President Biden addressed several of the financial hardships felt by Iowans every day,” said Matt Sinovic, Executive Director of Progress Iowa. “Iowans are feeling strain on their pocketbooks from food to health care costs, and we need relief. Congressman Nunn needs to step up, advocate, and support his Iowa constituents, instead of corporate interests.”

Last year, Congressman Nunn voted for the “Default on America” Act (H.R. 2811), which would have hurt rural communities, raised the costs of basic needs for working families, and devastated family farmers. Nunn also opposed the Inflation Reduction Act, which helps millions of Americans save on costly life-saving medications amidst high health care costs.

Last night, President Biden called for an expansion of the Inflation Reduction Act, proposing to expand the ability to lower drug costs for all Americans, among several other cost saving measures. 



ACA ANNIVERSARY: Iowans Deliver Petition Demanding Congressman Nunn Defend Affordable Care Act and Vote To Expand the Inflation Reduction Act


WATCH: New Ad Highlights Congressman Zach Nunn's Opposition To Law That’s Lowering Prescription Drug Costs