House Passes Spending Package In Critical Step Toward Avoiding Government Shutdown

Government Funding Deal Finally Through House, Despite House GOP And Rep. Nunn's Months-Long Push For Cuts To Vital Programs

DES MOINES – Iowans are breathing a sigh of relief as the House has voted to fund the government – a critical step toward voiding a partial government shutdown. In spite of Congressman Zach Nunn and his Republican colleagues’ support for cuts to vital programs, the White House and Congressional Democrats have worked to push through a fair budget. This proposed budget funds vital programs House Republicans threatened like Head Start and funding for Title I public schools. 

“Thanks to the determination of House Democrats, with the support of President Biden, Iowans can rest easy knowing the government will stay open without any major funding cuts to programs their families rely on. Despite repeated attempts from extreme Congressional Republicans to sneak in cuts to child care and education programs during the appropriations process, we will have a fair budget that supports hard working Americans and the programs they depend on,” said Matt Sinovic, Executive Director of Progress Iowa. “Now that the government funding fight is nearing a close, Congressman Nunn and his extreme GOP allies must stop pushing for cuts to vital programs. Iowans demand the Congressman instead vote for policies that put the wellbeing of Iowa’s families first; like lowering health care costs, making the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes, and supporting the President’s recently proposed budget.” 

Just last week, President Biden unveiled his budget for the next fiscal year – drawing sharp contrast to the priorities of House Republicans over the last six months. The budget aims to protect and strengthen vital programs like Social Security and Medicare, and expand policies in the Inflation Reduction Act that lower costs for families. Some of these cost-saving policies include empowering Medicare to negotiate lower prices for more prescription drugs and expanding the $2,000 out-of-pocket prescription drug cost cap beyond Medicare recipients — so no one with insurance will pay more than $2,000 a year for medications. The budget proposed by the President would also fully fund WIC, increasing the number of women and children receiving this nutrition assistance to nearly seven million. Iowans are joining together to demand that Nunn stand with his constituents and support the President's budget to lower costs and strengthen critical programs for working families. 



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